Affordable housing developer Stanley Land and Homes has revealed plans to deliver an additional 170 new homes on six sites across the North West.
Stanley is working up the schemes in readiness for the new Homes England funding programme which is expected to be announced this summer.
Formed in 2017, Stanley has already accrued more than 900 new homes completed or in planning across the region on behalf of registered housing providers, providing new housing for over 3,100 people.
In addition to its immediate pipeline of new homes, the developer has secured two new sites in St Helens, two sites in Wigan, one in Salford, and one in Cheshire West.
Chris Curtis, director of Stanley, said: “With a number of our existing schemes either on site or coming towards completion, our focus over the last 12-months has been on securing new sites that can support the development plans of registered providers.
“With an announcement on the next five-year Affordable Homes Programme expected from government soon, we’re excited at the prospect of using our pipeline of new sites to help them deliver new affordable housing options in the region.”
Stanley is encouraging registered providers to engage early to secure schemes that would be ready to start on site at the commencement of the new Affordable Homes Programme in April 2026.