Delivering new homes in Blackpool for shared ownership and affordable rent

The scheme:

31 houses and apartments for shared ownership and affordable rent


Cropper Road, Blackpool

Our client:

Muir Housing Group



This site forms part of the ‘Marton Moss’ area of Blackpool, an area of open land on the outskirts of the town which was historically known for market garden agriculture.

It has been allocated as a strategic housing site and our development involved carving out land from an existing farmhouse property and ancillary grounds.

The occupiers of the farmhouse would continue to live immediately adjacent to the development and it was therefore crucial that the land transaction, planning application and subsequent construction of the homes responded sensitively to the farmhouse and its occupiers.

Due to the historic lack of infrastructural and services development in the area there was no immediately available connections for gas and electric supply services. Negotiations with a volume housebuilder developing on a nearby site enabled easements to be secured and services accessed.

The project has resulted in an attractive scheme of houses and apartments for shared ownership and affordable rent, allowing our client to meet high demand for these types of homes.

“The team at Stanley have a knack for anticipating potential issues before they arise and coming up with credible solutions. We know that when they present a land opportunity to us not only will it support our development goals, but it will also be commercially viable and deliverable.”

Alex Fury, Muir Homes Group

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