Boosting the mix of affordable homes in Heysham

The scheme:

75 houses, bungalows and cottage flats for affordable rent


Middleton Road, Heysham

Our client:

Jigsaw Homes Group



This two-hectare site was previously sold by Lancaster Council and remained vacant for several years before being secured by Stanley Land and Homes for development.

We secured the site at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic with acquisition and planning approval achieved during lockdown.

In partnership with Jigsaw Homes, the scheme delivered a mix of new one, two, three, and four-bedroom homes for affordable rent, allowing people at different stages of life and with different circumstances to access local affordable rents.

It included 12 two-bedroom bungalows with all units on the project designed to meet the nationally described space standard.

Two areas of open space were created within the development to support a sustainable urban drainage basin, along with a high-quality equipped area of play enhancing the vitality of the new neighbourhood.

In addition to the pandemic challenges the risk of significant archaeology under the site was another technical challenge we overcame. Stanley commissioned an archaeological watching brief to assess and mitigate risk to any archaeological findings.

The scheme was completed in summer 2023 and officially opened in July 2023.

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