Planning Secured at Cropper Road – Marton Moss, Fylde

Planning Secured at Cropper Road – Marton Moss, Fylde

Stanley Investments has secured detailed planning consent for 31 new affordable homes at Cropper Road, Marton Moss in Fylde.

The scheme for Affordable Rent comprises a mix of one, two and three bed homes, and is being delivered for Stanley’s RP partner, Muir Homes Group.

The application, submitted on the 20th February, carried no objections prior to being heard at Committee and is recognised as delivering a high-quality urban design. Planners noted that the dwellings within the site are laid out appropriately with parking to the side or behind dwellings wherever possible, and intermittent trees and hedgerows within the site breaking up frontage car parking. Walls are proposed on prominent boundaries within the site which is a better-quality material, taking the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the character and local distinctiveness of the area through high quality new design that responds to its context.

Chris Curtis, Director at Stanley Investments said, “This is yet another scheme we have added to our growing portfolio that we can be truly proud of. The whole technical and design team have undertaken some real problem solving to achieve this outcome, which is a testament to the culture of meticulous technical due diligence we uphold here at Stanley Investments